We will be hosting a Poker Run and this webpage is where you will find all of the details including where to pick up your books and a list of all of our fine sponsors. Please check back for updates as they become available.
Don't miss the end of the Season PARTY!
September 22, 2024
Backwoods Bar and Grill
12:00pm to 4:00om
50/50 Drawing
Basket Raffles
Fun, Fun and More
Poker Run Books will be available at these awesome sponsors, stop in, say HI and pick up a book!
Anchor Bay Bar & Grill
Angel's Bar & Grill
Bahamas on the River
Bill's Pizza
Arnott Area Star Riders
Backwoods Bar & Grill
BJ's Brick Pit House
Brian & Wendy's Hiawatha
Club Forest Bar
Dewendy's Pub
Dock of Dubay
Donahue Super Sports
Donna's Showboat
Doug's Sports Pub
Excel Plumbing Inc
Fahrner Excavating Inc
Flatty's Junction Bar
Freddie's Club Orlow
Hideout II
Hitchin' Rail Saloon
Hometown Bar
JR's Saloon
Kellner Club
Kelly's Pub & Grill
Lynda's Wolf Den
Mak's Bar
MTB - The Bar LLC
Plover Motor Sports
Pop A Top Bar & Grill
Rasin' Cain
Renee's Red Rooster
Rusty's Backwater Saloon
Sportsman's Bar
Still Lake Emily Inn
Tee-Roy's Towing
Wagon Wheel
Whitetail Lanes